With Galentine's and Valentine's day coming up, we wanted to highlight all the fun ways to build this kit as a means of celebration. This blog post will give you lots of ideas for making this craft a special celebration of yourself and/or your partnership and/or your loved ones.
The Heart kit is one of our easiest and quickest kits to build. In addition to getting the kit by itself, you can also get the kit with a birth month flower drawing done by Justine Gabreski (half of the team here at Resident). It's $30 for the combo - see more here.
Build with someone special
Put on some favorite music, pour a glass of wine, and light a candle. This is about being romantic! You're building something together to celebrate quality time. We recommend having one person fold the pieces, the other person gluing them together. Remember some of your favorite moments from your relationship together. Talk about what's made you laugh the most. What moment(s) make you feel most loved? This is about reflecting and enjoying what you've built together in your relationship!
Celebrate Self Love
Even if you do have a romantic partner, we could all use some reminders of all the things we love about ourselves! Same setup as above, but while you're building, you reflect on the things you love the most about yourself. And then you write them on the heart. This is a physical embodiment of you when you're done - fill your heart with all the things you love most about yourself!
Once your Heart is built, it could continue to be an art project for you. Adding stickers or paint to it is an awesome way to further customize your own unique Heart. Also a great way to bring kids into the making process!
Hang with pride
It just takes a push pin to hold the Heart up on the wall. Place it in a spot that makes it special to you. Maybe it needs to be near your side of the bed so you can see all the things you love about yourself every night and morning. It could be hung where you spend the most time with your sweetie. It might be in the bathroom because... that's where it looks most splendid.
Whether or not you celebrate Valentine's day, we want to celebrate love in all it's shape and forms. So this doesn't have to be for Valentine's - get in whenever you feel like it! All types of love are valid - for yourself, your pet, your family, and anyone else special to you.